Characteristics of suicide among Alaska Native and Alaska non-Native people, 2003–2008

This report presents information on the epidemiology of suicide among Alaska Native and Alaska non-Native people from 2003 to 2008 to help inform future suicide prevention efforts.

Recommendations are provided for consideration including increasing summary reporting of surveillance data to regional and community-based prevention programs; increasing toxicology testing of decedents; increasing alcohol abuse and depression screening at health care facilities and other locations; increasing the use of gun locks and gun safes in firearm safety programs; investigating ways to expand the delivery of behavioral health care to non-hub communities; investigating ways to reach young adult males under 30, a high risk population identified by the study; and continuing collaborative suicide prevention efforts at the federal, state, and tribal levels.

Author: Craig, J. & Hull-Jilly, D.

Year Published/Updated: 2012

Resource Type: Article/Chapter