Native Americans for Community Action, Inc.

Garrett Lee Smith Tribal

Native Americans for Community Action, Inc. (NACA), an Urban Indian Center based in Flagstaff, Arizona proposes to provide evidence-based suicide prevention and intervention services specifically designed to address existing service gaps in the targeted service areas of the greater Flagstaff region and Coconino and Navajo Counties. With a primary goal of developing and nurturing an inter-related network of community based suicide prevention coalitions coordinated through a parenting coalition based in Flagstaff, additional targeted service components will include ASIST/SafeTALK gatekeeper trainings, Teen Screen modeled activities of screening, referral for needed services and follow-up tracking on actual service delivery, and postvention services including traditional Native American ceremonies and practices. Over the initial year of program operations, an estimated 1,130 youth and young adults will be served, the vast majority Native Americans including tribal representation from the Navajo, Hopi, Havasupai, Hualapai, Yavapai-Apache and Kaibab-Paiute Nations. Nearly 4,000 persons will be served over the three-year funding period. Proposed modifications and expansion of efforts designed to address needed adaptations specific to the Native communities partnering in this program’s efforts have been incorporated by design for increased cultural sensitivity and ultimate program success. Program funding will also be used to provide full scholarships for 12 individuals within partnering communities to receive formal training to become ASIST/SafeTALK trainers. This unique program component will leave a legacy of certified Master Level ASIST and SafeTALK trainers across northern Arizona which will promote the sustained capability of providing Gatekeeper trainings within local and neighboring communities including use of tribal languages. The ability to deliver this message from a position of cultural strength will also help bridge intergenerational gaps including those inherent in delivering training to community elders in a language and cultural context congruent with their own world-view. Partnering community agencies and organizations include the Flagstaff and Page Unified Public School Districts, Kinlani Dormitory, Northern Arizona University, Coconino County Sheriff’s Office, Public Health Service, and Juvenile Detention Center, Northern Arizona Regional Behavioral Health Authority (State of Arizona’s contracted service provider for behavioral health services throughout Northern Arizona), Flagstaff Medical Center (Northern Arizona’s only regional hospital that provides emergency room and inpatient services), faith based and Native American traditional child and youth supporting organizations, and the Veterans Administration and local veterans groups in Flagstaff.