Pueblo of San Felipe

Katishtya Embraces Youth Wellness and Hope (KEYWAH)
Garrett Lee Smith Tribal
New Mexico

Kathishya Embraces Youth, Wellness, and Hope (KEYWAH) seeks to implement Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), the Natural Helpers Program, the Columbia TeenScreen, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach for Suicide Prevention, and a culturally modified Project Venture program known as Kathishya Youth Leadership Institute (KYLI) with San Felipe (SF) youth between the ages of 13-18. The goals and objectives of the program are to first: expand capacity to serve adolescents at-risk for suicide and their families with the following objectives: train SF behavioral health providers on CBT-SP and TeenScreen, increase access to psychiatric consultation and wraparound services, train school staff and SF community members in ASIST, train in 3 schools to implement Natural Helpers Program, and enroll SF youth in KYLI. The second goal is to foster increased cross-agency and private/public collaboration. Objectives associated with this goal are: develop MOAs between schools and the SF Behavioral Health Program, further develop referral system for youth from schools and other community programs to Behavioral Health Program, establish KEYWAH Taskforce to serve as SF tribal suicide prevention coalition, and continue to build and utilize Multidisciplinary Team. The third goal is to ensure a prevention prepared community through social marketing and training so community members understand the importance of recognizing and reacting to risk factors related to suicide. Objectives associated with this goal are: train a wide representation of SF members in ASIST, conduct suicide prevention outreach campaign in the Pueblo community utilizing digital storytelling by SF youth, use social marketing to increase awareness and reduce stigma (e.g., tribal newsletters ads, billboards, etc.), and promote awareness of National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK. The fourth goal is to utilize a Continuous Quality Improvement framework to provide feedback on the unique implementation strategies for the Pueblo. Objectives associated with this goal are: gain stakeholder input through KEYWAH Taskforce, use evaluation data to inform the projectâ€‖s activities, make changes, and document outcomes, and continuously bring data back to the community from the SAMHSA National Cross Site Evaluation. The fifth goal is to develop a sustainability strategy to ensure continuation of the model long after grant funding ends. Objectives associated with this goal are: develop capacity to continue suicide prevention services beyond grant, develop capacity at SF Behavioral Health Program to provide services, and ensure funding for suicide prevention services through Medicaid or other funding source. It is anticipated that 290 individuals will participate in all services in year one, and 280 in years two and three, resulting in 850 served over the life of grant.