University of Missouri – Columbia

University of Missouri-Columbia
Garrett Lee Smith Campus

The Wellness Resource Center at the University of Missouri (MU) will implement a comprehensive suicide prevention effort that increases individual students resiliency and increases the capacity of the campus community to take action to promote students emotional health and reduce the likelihood of suicide with special emphasis on high risk populations including lesbian, gay and bisexual students and military family members and veterans. As programming is solidified at MU, the Partners in Prevention (PIP) coalition, a consortium of 20 college campuses across Missouri, will collaborate with MU to further expand this programming onto college campuses across the state, integrating lessons learned from experiences in implementation and administration at MU. The proposed project mirrors the objectives of the Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention grant by increasing the amount of training to students, faculty, and staff through the Ask Listen Refer and QPR training programs, increasing collaboration through the Suicide Prevention Task Force and the PIP Suicide Prevention Planning Group, increasing the number of educational seminars and informational materials through new poster campaigns and the statewide ?Call to Action?, and increasing help-seeking among students and promoting the Suicide Prevention Lifeline through Wellness Coaching initiatives and on-line training. The statewide efforts will include the implementation of a statewide Call to Action for campus senior administrators. This Call to Action will include the publication of a statewide blueprint for campuses to use to guide the adoption of evidence-based approaches previously piloted at MU. All efforts of the proposed project will be evaluated using a multi-modal approach, including qualitative and quantitative measures.c