American Indians and Alaska Natives

Suicide rates are higher among American Indians and Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations than among any other racial or ethnic group in the United States (see Scope of the Problem section). Community control or autonomy, cultural identification, spirituality, and family connectedness are all important protective factors in preventing suicide among AI/AN populations. Suicide prevention programs should be based on an understanding of the specific issues affecting each group of interest, be culturally competent, involve the most appropriate gatekeepers, and consider factors such as attitudes toward mental health problems and help-seeking.

Learn More

  • See our page on American Indian/Alaska Native settings.
  • See All Resources Related to American Indians and Alaska Natives (below) for a full list of materials, programs, trainings, and other information available from SPRC. Use the filters on the left to narrow your results.
  • For more on other groups and settings, see our Populations and Settings pages.

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