Using Surveillance Data from Youth-Serving Public Systems Using Surveillance Data from Youth-Serving Public Systems

General Webinar
Date:  February 8, 2018 - 2:00 pm (America/New_York)
Sponsor:  SPRC

For information, contact:

  Julie Ebin, EdM

Many state Garrett Lee Smith grantees struggle with accessing and using surveillance data to benefit their grant. Data from juvenile justice, child welfare, and public behavioral health systems in particular can strongly enhance youth suicide prevention activities, given that these systems serve youth with disproportionately high suicide rates. During this webinar, SPRC shared tips and resources from our newly released report, Breaking Down Barriers: Using Youth Suicide-Related Surveillance Data from State Systems. The attendees also spent time discussing their surveillance strategies and support needs with these populations.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify how suicide surveillance data from juvenile justice, child welfare, and public behavioral health systems can enhance suicide prevention efforts.
  • Identify opportunities for accessing and using suicide-related data from these systems.
  • Describe strategies peers are using.

Breaking down barriers: Using youth suicide-related surveillance data from state systems

Webinar Slides