Alabama State University
The Alabama State University (ASU) Suicide Project will target the 5500+ students on the ASU campus in Montgomery, Alabama. ASU is a HBCU with a primarily African American (90%) campus body. The Suicide Project will work through the gatekeepers on campus including student leaders, faculty and staff to provide training, information, awareness and education regarding mental health, substance use, suicide prevention and intervention.
The purpose of the ASU Suicide Project is to: reduce suicide attempts and deaths among college students on the ASU campus. To that end, the goals and objectives of the project are as follows:
GOAL 1: To reduce the incidence of attempted and completed suicides on the ASU campus while increasing protective factors that will assist in preventing suicide and their attempts.
Objective 1.1 To increase knowledge about suicide, risk factors, protective factors, and crisis response to ASU students, faculty and staff.
Objective 1.2 To create greater awareness and sensitivity to suicide and its stressors/risk factors among the ASU community (students, faculty, and staff).
Objective 1.3 To increase the capacity of the ASU campus faculty, staff and students to respond to persons contemplating and/or attempting suicide.
ASU will partner with local organizations specializing in these areas including the Council on Substance Abuse – NCADD, Montgomery Area Mental Health Authority and Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program. In addition, ASU will contract with KognitoCAMPUS to provide suicide prevention and gatekeeper training on the ASU campus.