Chaminade University of Honolulu

E Ho'opili No Na Haumana Project
Garrett Lee Smith Campus

The purposed project presents a comprehensive suicide prevention program which will be implemented at Chaminade University of Honolulu in response to a request for applications from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Services (SAMHSA) for Campus Suicide Prevention proposals which facilitate a comprehensive approach to preventing suicide in institutions of higher education. This proposal has been thoughtfully and collaboratively developed to prevent suicide attempts and completions and to enhance services for students with mental and behavioral health problems such as depression and substance use/abuse that put them at risk for suicide and suicide attempts.

This proposed project will accomplish its goals by improving and strengthening the mental health and substance abuse prevention services and programs at Chaminade University. By improving the assessment, identification, treatment capacity and infrastructure system at Chaminade University it will be able to provide high quality care for its diverse student population. This program, called E Ho opili No Na Haumana, meaning to come together for the students, describes a proposed system of education, outreach, early identification, assessment and referrals, that will utilize evidenced-based strategies that are gender and culturally sensitive. The program will provide services to Chaminade students, faculty, staff, families and parents, but will focus on several of our high risk groups including gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students as well as our large number of Native Hawaiian and military students.