Kawerak, Inc

Kawerak, Inc
Garrett Lee Smith Tribal

Kawarak, Inc. in partnership with Maniilaq Association, Norton Sound Behavioral Services, Bering Strait Schools and Northwest Arctic Borough Schools will create the Northern Alaska Welness Initiative (NAWI), a multi-faceted, culturally relevant suicide prevention initiative aimed at 27 Alaska Native communities located above and below the Arctic Circle where the highest suicide rates in Alaska and the nation have been reported. This groundbreaking partnership will lead the State in efforts to maximize resources, knowledge and research. The primary goal for this program is to create and implement comprehensive tribal suicide prevention and early intervention strategies with the purpose of reducing the staggeringly high rates of attempted suicides and deaths among youth and young adults in Alaska’s Bering Strait Region and Northwest Arctic Borough. To do this, NAWI will utilize a variety of culturally responsive practices to build a comprehensive program that engages multiple generations to address village needs and promote youth well-being. NAWI will deliver youth-oriented programs that have been piloted in targeted villages on a limited basis with Elder guidance and promoted positive outcomes for participants. Training in Applied Suicide Intervention Skill Training and Alaska Gatekeeper TrainingSchool-Based Wellness WorkshopsSummer Youth Culture Camps for high risk youth and mentor development Peer Leader programming expanded and enhanced to include increased training, community outreach, and involvement with younger students – students identify community member support teamsVillage Wellness Groups – focused on capacity-building and empowerment