Michigan State University
Freshmen Accessing Community and Embracing Survival (FACES) is a comprehensive mental health initiative focused upon providing support and promoting student health and wellness through educational training and programming within the Michigan State University (MSU) campus community. Our campus has identified first-year students as a segment of the student population that is in need of increased support and resources with respect to emotional health and well-being. In order to address these issues for first-year students at MSU, the FACES program is a multifaceted, university-wide initiative that includes all of the following elements:1.An educational initiative that helps facilitate the transition of all first-year students to MSU, both academically and psychosocially2.Systematic training of selected faculty, staff, and student leaders in the Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) protocol for suicide intervention and referral3.The integration of on- and off-campus mental health services, including referrals to the MSU Counseling Center (MSUCC), Olin Health Center, and area hospitals4.A media campaign aimed at increasing awareness of issues related to suicide prevention, increasing student help-seeking behaviors, and decreasing mental health stigma5.Promoting awareness of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK) in all printed media material6.A parent campaign intended to educate parents regarding depression and suicide, increase their communication with first-year students, and provide information about available mental health services The FACES initiative is progressing at a rapid pace in many areas. Our efforts to reach out to faculty, staff, and students for QPR gatekeeper training have been met with overwhelming support. Not only have we been able to conduct QPR gatekeeper training sessions with our traditional partners in Student Affairs and Residence Life, but we have also connected with other academic and administrative units as a function of our efforts with the FACES program. Our Student Risk and Review Committee has been diligently working to integrate mental health services on and off campus, as well as systematically educating and training the campus community on resources available for students in distress, above and beyond the referral process. Lastly, our media campaign to increase awareness, address issues of stigma, and increase student help-seeking behavior has been an increasingly positive experience as we work together with our campus partners in the field of health and risk communication. The collaboration with our experts in the health communication field has been fruitful in many ways, and we look forward to contributing to the promotion of student health and wellness as our media campaign reaches the campus community.