Montana Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council
The Montana Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council (MT WY TLC) Planting Seeds of Hope (PSOH) Suicide Prevention Project will decrease suicide attempts and completions among American Indian/Alaskan Native youth age 10-24 on 8 reservations throughout the state of Montana and Wyoming. These youth have suicide rates that are twice as high as their peers in the rest of the country. It is unacceptable to our reservation communities to be losing youth as young as 10 to suicide. Planting Seeds of Hope will build resilience in Native American youth and build capacity for suicide prevention on the reservations by: 1) Promoting Awareness; 2) Training Gatekeepers; 3) Implementing Screening and Brief Intervention in universal settings; 4) Building protective factors for youth and veterans; 5) Implementing interventions for youth who have attempted suicide; 6) Helping families who have lost someone to suicide; 7) Strengthening coordination and collaboration across sectors.
The mission of the PSOH Project is to improve access to suicide prevention services across all Montana and Wyoming?s tribal communities, while identifying and reducing barriers to care and health disparities as they apply to American Indian Youth and their communities.