Pascua Yaqui Tribe

Pascua Yaqui Tribe
Garrett Lee Smith Tribal

The Tribal Health Services Department submits this proposal for implementation of a Tribal Youth Suicide Network-TYSN utilizing EB and a zero suicide approach as guides. Native American reservations nationally present with the highest level of trauma, loss with limited resources. Goal: Develop a tribal-wide zero suicide like approach utilizing seven core elements; Lead, Train, Identify, Engage, Treat, Transition and Improve to adapt the current tribal suicide care approach into a comprehensive care network designed to raise awareness of suicide factors, provide early intervention, trainings on enhanced referral processes, treatment, follow up crisis, post suicidal emergencies to improve care and outcomes for youth at risk for suicide. Objective 1 By the end of five year cooperative agreement TYSN will screen over 1,500 youth (ages 10 to 24) provided assessment, early intervention, referral EB treatment and follow up on crisis post suicidal supports to over 400 tribal youth individuals. Objective 2 TYSN will provide Suicide prevention enhancement skills training to up to 50 professional, para-professional staff annually (250 total) and up to 300 community members, parents annually (1500) key factors, awareness and resources for suicidal tribal youth. TYSN will provide services to schools, substance use, mental health foster care and group home agencies. The Sewa U’usim Community Partnership will be the lead agency, with over twelve years’ experience as a tribal Medicaid provider and a SAMHSA System of Care grantee. The tribal partnership; Centered Spirit Mental Health, Community Nursing, Child Protective Services, Foster Care, YK Boys Group Home and the Health Services Division will coordinate services to implement the new cultural Tribal Suicide Network into a Tribal Network of Care. Sewa U’usim (SU) as a cultural community based behavioral health provider and program of the Tribal Health Services Division will directly work towards the implementation of the enhanced, coordinated approach to serve, treat and refer suicidal, GLBT/Bullied youth for health, behavioral health needs. Together TYSN will develop a an enhanced network for the Tribe located 50 miles from the Mexican Border a tribe with a mean age of 19.5 and heighten levels of historical trauma, risk factors for tribal youth and families on the New Pascua Reservation. TYSN will use the cultural, Honoring the Children, Mending the Circle EB model for treatment enhancement and the Wraparound in Indian Country model to engage families. The TYSP will also use social media, live youth presentation, web based training options to enhance outreach. TA support will help TYSN staff select screening and assessment interventions and components for new protocols for tribal services. TYSN will enhance our current efforts through our Native Connections program using Ben’s Bells, Be Kind community awareness campaign and tribal advisory committee to build a network of sustainable consistent treatment program. The TYSN also uses expressive therapies through third party funds to providing; equine, wellness, relaxation and meditation services and an array of services with an aftercare array of cultural, substance use, violence prevention services.