United Indian Health Services, Inc
Ko’l ha koom’ma (Yurok- Working Together) United Indian Health Services, Inc., (UIHS) will implement culturally appropriate prevention and education programs to address suicide and suicidal ideation of American Indian (AI) clients age 10-24 living in Northwestern California. Prevention efforts will include evidence-based training and education to youth, families, community members, health care and youth-serving providers that address suicide risks and interventions.Objectives of the project include:1.Increase knowledge of 100 youth-serving providers about suicide identification, referral systems, and community resources by 50%,2.Increase knowledge of 100 health, mental health and substance abuse providers about suicide assessment, management and treatment by 30%,3.Increase the number of youth identified as at-risk for suicide who are then referred to behavioral health (BH) care services by 100%, and4.As a result of implementing a community education and media campaigns, the number of youth at risk seen by BH care will increase by 100%.UIHS will utilize a combination of the American Indian Life Skills Development (AILSD) and the Native Helping Our People Endure (H.O.P.E.) program curriculum and implement a media and educational campaign to provide a strong community-based approach through education and facilitation by setting up systems and trainings for referrals, developing strategic plans addressing suicide prevention with tribes, providing opportunities for community-wide collaborations to address suicide prevention, reducing stigma surrounding suicide and obtaining BH services.United Indian Health Services, Inc., founded in 1970, is a primary health care organization that extends care beyond customary medical concerns to include substance abuse and mental health programs as well as to provide a strong health education program. UIHS is governed by tribal and community representatives from seven Rancherias and two tribes. With five satellite clinics located within this two-county area of California (4,500 square miles- comparative to the State of Maine) UIHS provides service to over 18,000 American Indian residents.”We honor the dignity of every person. We value working together with the individual, the family, and our community. By sharing our strengths and resources we bring wellness to ourselves, our community and our world.” UIIHS Core Philosophy- Ko’l ha koom’ma