ENGLAND: Women Who Suffer Domestic Abuse Three Times as Likely to Attempt Suicide
June 09, 2023
A recent study in England found a link between intimate partner violence (IPV) and self-harm and suicidality. This study found that women who had experienced IPV were three times more likely to attempt suicide than their peers. Those who experienced sexual IPV (sexual assault that takes place in an intimate relationship) were found to be seven times more likely to attempt suicide. According to the study, 27% of women reported experiencing IPV in their lifetimes. Women who were unemployed, living in poverty, or unable to work due to sickness or disability were more likely to experience IPV than other women. Experts believe the relationship between IPV and suicidality may often be overlooked in suicide prevention efforts due to men’s higher overall suicide rates. The nonprofit organization Agenda Alliance published a briefing based on the study’s findings that stated, “While this briefing does not establish a causal relationship between IPV and suicidality, it demonstrates that experiencing IPV can act as a precursor to suicidality.”
Spark Extra! Learn about the intersection between IPV and suicide in the U.S.