NEW JERSEY: After Spike in Deaths, New Jersey Looks to Prevent Suicides in Jails

January 11, 2019

News Type:  Weekly Spark, Weekly Spark News
Speaker:  New Jersey


The New Jersey Department of Corrections has announced a plan to address suicide in county jails. The announcement comes in response to an investigation that found increased suicide deaths in the jail system. In collaboration with the New Jersey County Jail Warden’s Association, the department will roll out prevention efforts, including unannounced facility inspections, required annual suicide prevention training, and technical assistance to help counties develop prevention policies. County jails will also be required to conduct reviews of inmate suicide deaths within a specific timeframe. Acting Corrections Commissioner Marcus Hicks said the measures were designed to standardize suicide prevention practices in county jails across the state. “One suicide is too many,” said Hicks.

Spark Extra! Check out suicide prevention resources for adult corrections.