Surveillance success stories – White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) Surveillance success stories – White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT)


(For resources, this is the publication date. For programs, this is the date posted.)


Fact Sheet/Issue Brief
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC)
Education Development Center, Inc (EDC)

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A Tribal Council mandate required all medical, school, and social service personnel, as well as first responders, to report all observed or documented suicidal ideation, attempts, and deaths to the Celebrating Life Task Force. Based on this rich data, the task force identified those under 25 as most at risk for suicide deaths and nonfatal attempts, and planned targeted interventions.

This story is part of SPRC’s Surveillance Success Story Series, which describes how states, tribes, and health systems access and analyze data on suicide deaths and attempts, and use data to inform evaluation and program planning.