
Suicide is an important problem affecting young people (see our Scope of the Problem section for suicide-related data). Youth encompass many different subgroups in terms of age and developmental stage, sex, cultural background, and other characteristics. Suicide prevention efforts should seek to identify and address the risk and protective factors that are most relevant to each targeted group (e.g., adolescent Latinas). Family members, caregivers, teachers, and others can play an important role in helping young people develop protective factors, such as life skills and positive social connections.

Learn More

  • The Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Program provides grants to support suicide prevention in campus, state, and tribal communities. For more on this program, see our Grantees page. 
  • Learn more about suicide prevention in School settings. For more on other groups and settings, see our Populations and Settings pages.
  • See All Resources Related to Youth (below) for a full list of materials, programs, trainings, and other information available from SPRC. Use the filters on the left to narrow your results.

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