Data Sources

The recommended resources below can help you find recent data on American Indians and Alaska Natives, such as basic demographics, socioeconomic status, geography, disability status, and risk status.

Recommended Resources

Suicide Surveillance Strategies for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities

This new report offers strategies to help AI/AN communities gather data on suicide to inform and evaluate their prevention efforts. 

Office of Minority Health & Health Equity (OMHHE)

OMHHE monitors and reports on the health status of vulnerable populations and on the effectiveness of health protection programs.

Recommended CSTE indicators for suicide among American Indians and Alaska Natives

This resource guide identifies and describes indicators of suicidal behavior and associated mental health and substance abuse risk factors using data specific to AI/AN populations that can be used for routine surveillance.  

Rural health information hub (RHIhub): American Indian and Alaska Native Population

This printable map shows the percent of the U.S. population by county who are American Indian or Alaska Native.