Faith Communities

Faith communities are a natural setting for suicide prevention. Spiritual beliefs and practices tend to help people experience greater hope and meaning in their lives. Faith communities can also provide opportunities for developing positive relationships with others and can be an important source of support during difficult times.

Why Address Suicide Prevention

  • Counseling related to suicide fits with the general role of faith community leaders.
  • People with mental health problems, including suicide risk, often turn to faith community leaders for help.

How Faith Communities Can Take Action

The best way to prevent suicide is to use a comprehensive approach that includes these key components: 

  • Promote emotional well-being and connectedness among members of your faith community
  • Identify people who may be at risk for suicide and assist them in getting help
  • Be prepared to respond to a suicide death and provide support to the survivors 

Learn More

  • See the Recommended Resources below selected by SPRC personnel.
  • See All Resources Related to Faith Communities for a full list of materials, programs, trainings, and other information available from SPRC. Use the filters on the left to narrow your results.
  • For more on other settings and groups, see our Settings and Populations pages.

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Recommended Resources

The role of faith community leaders in preventing suicide

This information sheet can help faith community leaders recognize and respond to people at risk for suicide.


Faith.Hope.Life. is an initiative of the Faith Communities Task Force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention.  It is an opportunity for every faith community in the United States, regardless of creed, to focus one Sabbath each year on the characteristics common to most faiths that also help prevent suicides.

After a suicide: Recommendations for religious services and other public memorial observances

A guide to help community and faith leaders who plan memorial observances and provide support for individuals after the loss of a loved one to suicide.