
People often spend a large portion of their day at a workplace and, in doing so, get to know other employees over time. As a result, they may be in a good position to notice changes in behavior that could suggest risk for suicide or other mental health problems. 

Why Address Suicide Prevention

  • Workers are an employer’s most valuable asset.
  • Creating a culture of health and safety is both humane and good for business.
  • Good mental and physical health can help enhance workforce productivity.
  • Many workplaces already have structures and resources in place to help employees get the help they need, so suicide prevention can be connected with them.

How Employers Can Take Action

The best way to prevent suicide is to use a comprehensive approach that includes these key components: 

Learn More

  • See the Recommended Resources below selected by SPRC personnel.
  • See our page on People in Particular Occupations.
  • See All Resources Related to Workplaces for a full list of materials, programs, trainings, and other information available from SPRC. Use the filters on the left to narrow your results.
  • For more on other settings and groups, see our Settings and Populations pages.

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Recommended Resources

The role of managers in preventing suicide

This SPRC resource provides information for managers on how to recognize and respond to suicide risk in the workplace.

The role of co-workers in preventing suicide

This SPRC resource provides information to help employees recognize and respond to suicide risk among their co-workers.

Comprehensive Blueprint For Workplace Suicide Prevention

This website discusses a comprehensive approach to workplace suicide prevention and presents resources for each recommended strategy.

A Manager's Guide to Suicide Postvention in the Workplace: 10 Action Steps for Dealing with the Aftermath of Suicide

This guide provides action steps for responding to suicide, including the immediate crisis as well as recovery in the short and long term.

Partnership for Workplace Mental Health

This website was created by an alliance of the American Psychiatric Association, corporate sponsors and business partners to promote a business case for mental health care. Employer resources include return to work initiatives, evaluation of health care plans, employee education and the impact of mental health issues on the “bottom line”. Employee resources include self-help […]

Working Minds: Suicide Prevention in the Workplace

These trainings are designed to help workplace administrators and employees better understand and prevent suicide.