State Suicide Prevention Infrastructure

A strong state infrastructure serves as a solid foundation for effective, comprehensive, and sustained suicide prevention. Working with a panel of experts, SPRC developed these recommendations to help you identify and strengthen key elements of suicide prevention infrastructure in your community.

The recommendations are organized into six essential elements with specific guidance in each area. You can read the recommendations and real-life examples from around the United States on each essential element page: AuthorizeLeadPartnerExamineBuild and Guide.

Download the full recommendations or a summary of recommendations.


  • Designate a lead division or organization
  • Identify and secure resources required to carry out all six essential functions
  • Maintain a state suicide prevention plan that is updated every 3-5 years
  • Authorize the designated suicide prevention agency to develop, carry out, and evaluate the suicide prevention plan
  • Require an annual report to the legislature or governor on the state of suicide and prevention efforts, the extent and effectiveness of any statue or rule related to suicide, and emerging needs


  • Maintain a dedicated leadership position
  • Dedicate core staff positions, training, and technology needed for all six essential functions
  • Develop capacity to respond to information requests from officials, communities, the media, and the general public
  • Establish formal connections between relevant government offices
  • Build staff capacity to effectively communicate across audiences
  • Develop division/agency commitment to spur cross-discipline collaboration and integrate programs across funding sources

Recommended Resources