State Suicide Prevention Website:
Missouri Department of Mental Health
State Coalition Website:
Missouri Suicide Prevention Network, MSPN

Jennifer Delett-Snyder, MS, CPS
Prevention Services Coordinator
Christine Smith
Director of Prevention and Mental Health Promotion
Missouri Department of Mental Health
State and Community Organizations
- NAMI Missouri (800) 950-6264
- Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri (800) 359-5695
- AFSP Greater Mid-Missouri (312) 402-2006
- Missouri Partners in Prevention
- Kids Under Twenty One (KUTO) (314) 963-7571
- DeafLEAD (Leadership through Education & Advocacy for the Deaf)
- Missouri Ask, Listen Refer Suicide Prevention Training Program
- Communities Healing Adolescent Depression and Suicide (CHADS)
- Governor’s Challenge to Prevent Suicide amongst Service Members, Veterans, and their Families.
Prevention Plans
Resources and Tools