North Dakota
Melissa Markegard
Suicide Prevention Administrator
Department of Human Services Behavioral Health Division
Kora Dockter, BSN
Chair, North Dakota Suicide
State and Community Organizations
- Department of Human Services Behavioral Health Division
- North Dakota Department of Public Instruction, Suicide Prevention
- FirstLink, Fargo (Lifeline & Caring Follow-Up Contact Provider) (701) 293-6462
- AFSP North Dakota - State Fact Sheet (701) 219-4110
- Native American Development Center (701) 595-5181
- Dakota Outright (218) 287-8034
- North Dakota Cares Coalition (701) 333-2012
- NAMI- North Dakota
- Parents Lead
- Sources of Strength- Homebased
Current GLS, NSSP, and Zero Suicide Grantees
- No Current Grantees in this State/Jurisdiction